Wiki Model: Documents and sections


Documents and sections

Default block formatting

Default inline formatting


Each page is a wiki-document. Each document can have subpages. Each subpages have all structural elements as the parent page itself. That means that you can use internal headers, tables, list and even subpages inside of any subpage.

Syntax Result
Before the internal page…
…in the internal page…
…and after the internal page.

Before the internal page…

…in the internal page…

…and after the internal page.

! The root page
||Header1 |Cell1
! This is a subpage
Subpage with its own table:
| The | internal | table
|| Header2 | Cell2

The root page

Header1 Cell1

This is a subpage

Subpage with its own table:

The internal table
Header2 Cell2


Sections are the higher-level structural elements of wiki pages. All content of wiki pages are in the sections. User can define sections using the following delimiters: “@[label|link]” at the begining of a new line. All content elements (blocks and inline elements) till the next delimiter belongs this section. (“Label” is the human-readable label and “link” is the key of the section). If there is no section explicitly defined then all elements are automatically wrapped in a default (“anonymous”) section.

If an embedded document starts from the section tag (@[label|link]) (not only at the beginning of the line) then this document forms an “internal section” bounded by the delimiters of this internal document. It offers the possibility to address the embedded documents by the corresponding section key (at programming level it means that each such a document could be loaded by the key).

Description Syntax Result
Simple sections
The content of the default (“anonymous”) section.
@[Section One|]
The content of the first section.
@[Section Two|]
The content of the second section.

The content of the default (“anonymous”) section.

The content of the first section.

The content of the second section.

A section associated with an embedded object (page)
Before the internal
page… @[Section One|]{{{
…in the internal page…
…and after the internal page.

Before the internal page…

…in the internal page…

…and after the internal page.

Sections in the internal document
Before the internal page (default 
section)… @[Section One|]{{{
@[The first internal section|] 
The first section content.
@[The second internal section|]
The second section content.
…and after the internal page
@[Section Two|]
This is the content of the second section on the
root level.

Before the internal page (default section)…

The first section content.

The second section content.

…and after the internal page

This is the content of the second section on the root level.

Example № 1

Syntax Result
This resource can have all formatting 
available for the top-level pages:
! Simple formatting
Text '’text^^text^^~~text~~text'’**text**!
! Lists
* list item one 
* list item two 
*= a
*= b
* list item three
! Tables
|| Header 1 || Header 2
| cell one | cell two
| cell three | cell four
! Info blocks
/!\ Hello, world!

This resource can have all formatting available for the top-level pages:

Simple formatting

Text texttexttexttexttext!


  • list item one
  • list item two
    1. a
    2. b
  • list item three


Header 1 Header 2
cell one cell two
cell three cell four

Info blocks

! Hello, world!

Example № 2


||((width=“16%”)) The second cell of this table contains a subpage
! This is the header in the internal resource
||((colspan=“2”)) This is the internal table
|Col 1 | Col 2
= item one
= item two
= item three
\this item contains its own subpage: {{{ ! Hello, world | simple table }}} = item four }}}


The second cell of this table contains a subpage

This is the header in the internal resource

This is the internal table
Col 1 Col 2
  1. item one
  2. item two
  3. item three;
    this item contains its own subpage:

    Hello, world

    simple table

    value of the propX

  4. item four
Page content

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